Is NARC G1 the Best Garlic Variety?

NARC G1 the Best Garlic Variety?
Is NARC G1 the Best Garlic Variety?

Growers of a new variety of garlic, NARC G1, have advised the farming community of the country to take advantage of this garlic variety which has the potential of not only saving billions by reducing imports but also can help generate enormous profits for farmers due to high yield per acre.

Furthermore, the per acre yield of locally produced garlic was also very low. The per acre yield of locally produced garlic was around 70 to 80 mun. While the new variety had been producing around 200 to 250 maunds per acre, much more than the expectations of farmers.

The NARC-G1 is considered to be the best variety among all existing varieties of garlic in Pakistan and its one bulb weighs between 250 gram to 400 grams while the weight of locally produced garlic bulb is around 30 to 50 grams. The annual consumption of garlic in Pakistan is estimated around 130,000 metric tonnes while local production is around 80,000 tonnes resulting in import of around 50,000 metric tonnes. Through cultivation of this new variety, a hefty amount of Rs. 66 billion can be saved which is being spent on import of the variety. The G1 garlic needs official patronage for its production and for benefiting the farming community by enabling them to grow this highly profitable variety. 

We have discussed a lot about its growth and its economical benefits. But what about its nutritional value? Is it the best garlic variety to replace with current traditional and China imported garlic? According to lab tests and many nutritionists Narc G1 has more nutrition and health promoting entities as compared to traditional and china imported garlic.

Nutritionists prefer Pakistani G1 Garlic because It is an excellent source of vitamin E, C, and A. It also contains allicin, which has been known for its antibacterial properties. Pakistan’s NARC G1 Garlic contains all of the essential amino acids, saponins, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for human health.

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